Life is hard. If you are being honest with yourself, you can say life is hard. Not all the time. It’s not an all-day, everyday thing. It’s moments, snippets of time during the day where life is just hard.
We walk through seasons of difficulty where life seems harder than usual. Someone we love passes away, taking a small piece of us with them. A friend we trusted betrays that trust causing a fissure in the relationship. Children do unexpected things that leave you questioning your every parenting decision. Family strife rears its head threatening to tear everything apart. Hard.
Maybe outwardly, life isn’t hard, but inwardly, everything is a struggle. Your thoughts drag you down a dark tunnel with no light. Self-doubt, shame, regret, anger, resentment become constant companions to your waking moments. No matter how hard you try to pull yourself out of the depths, you can’t quite seem to grasp the edge of the pit you’ve fallen into.
But God.
The master creator of all that we see, the one who took the time to create every hair on your head, your Father in heaven, is right there with you through it all. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” The Bible is filled with verses like this reminding us of who God is and how much he cares for us.
As you walk through the difficulty of losing a loved one, trials in your friendships, trouble parenting your children, God is with you. When your negative thoughts threaten to drown you in despair, God is with you. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every year, always until He calls you home to Him.
God is with you.