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Did you know that 92% of people struggle with some form of perfectionism?  

Mind-boggling isn’t it? 92% of people. What will really make you think is the fact that not all perfectionism is the same. What one person deems worthy of perfection may not be the same as someone else.  

Perfection is a self-imposed measuring stick we tend to use to gauge how well things are done. And, it is impossible to achieve.  

How many times have you set upon a task only to come up short when weighed against your own standards? How often have you asked someone to take on a task and the product falls shy of your expectations? Perfection becomes an obsession that clouds the true purpose of a project.  

Have you applied perfectionism to your walk with Christ? Have you tried to be the “perfect” Christian? You think doing a devotion everyday, going to church each Sunday morning, and donating to every worthy cause that comes your way will deem you the “perfect” Christian. You give countless hours of your life helping in any and every way that you are needed in hopes that someone notices your “perfect” Christian behavior.  

Or, does your need to attain perfection completely stop you from seeking a true relationship with Christ? You’re afraid of others seeing who you truly are. You don’t want others to see your sin and hold you accountable. If you keep everyone at arm's length, they’ll never get close enough to see the imperfection.  

If you are striving for perfection, stop. Yes. You have permission to stop. Why? Because only in Christ can we achieve perfection. Not countless hours of church and community service. Not reading the bible in a year. Not portraying the picture of the “perfect” Christian. 

This means dying to ourselves because Jesus died for our sins. His sacrificial act means, even when we fall short of perfection, we are still forgiven and perfect in his sight.