We bore witness to something extraordinary this past weekend. 25 hours of wonderful worship, passionate prayer, touching testimony, and meaningful messages. 25 hours of witnessing what God is doing all over the world. 25 hours of faith, hope, and love. It was incredible!
Gather25 was an amazing display of what can be accomplished when God’s people work together. But the work is not done! While Gather25 brought the global church together, it also pointed out that so many of us are missing the true calling placed on us as Christ-followers.
We aren’t just called to learn the gospel. Memorizing scripture is only part of our task. Showing up to church each Sunday isn’t enough. Politely singing worship songs from your seat doesn’t cut it. Going to every Bible study available will not fulfill the truest purpose given to us.
We, each and every one of us, were given a calling. Handed down from Jesus before he ascended to return to the Father. “Go and make disciples of all nations.” The best part is we already have the blueprint for doing just that.
Jesus’ life in ministry, those years he traveled, the men he poured into, sharing the truth, is the blueprint to making disciples.
Who are you pouring into? Who is pouring into you? Who do you know needs someone to walk alongside them? To lift them up? To lift you up? Who are you sharing Jesus with?
Making disciples isn’t complicated. It’s taking time to do life with others. Truly doing life. Opening up. Sharing the joys, the struggles, the good and the bad. It’s helping a friend out on a random Thursday because they locked themselves out of the house. It’s holding a friend as they cry out a loss. It’s letting the truth of scripture lead your conversations. It’s outwardly living a life that reflects who Christ taught us to be.
There’s still so much work to be done. The time is now.
Let’s get to work.