Picture an iceberg. Quietly floating above the water sits the tip. You can see it clearly and make moves to avoid it. It's what’s lurking beneath the surface that causes the real problems. You can’t see it until it’s too late and the damage is done. Before you know it, the hull of your ship is ripped open and you are taking on water.
That is the picture of pride.
It takes many forms. It is both quiet and loud. It stands out in high salute and sits quietly in the shade in equal measure.
Pride is a sneaky fiend. It slinks into one’s heart, coloring their actions. It is corrosive. It can erode even the most beautiful of things into ugly messes. Pride tears groups apart. Separates families. But, as often as pride sneaks in, it is hardly ever recognized for what it truly is. Sitting in the middle of pride does one rarely see that they are being eaten alive by it.
No one is immune to pride. No matter how careful we are to keep our pride in check, there are moments when it seeps in through the cracks.
Is pride a hidden danger lurking in your life?
Are you unknowingly headed down a slippery slope of pride? Humankind tottered down that slope to the point that God pressed the reset button. Imagine the Creator losing all faith in his creation that he decides to try again.
But Noah.
In a time when the world seems set on self-indulgence and high pride, where do you fall? Are you falling prey to the slinky, sneaky grip of pride? Or, are you holding fast, walking in the footsteps the Lord has set before you? If the Lord needed someone to build an ark tomorrow, would you be that person?